Navenby Bowls Club News
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Cliff League Result
A second win of the week!
Lincoln & District Result
A Win!!!!
First Fixture
Just a Few Pictures from the First Game of the Season It was a bit chilly!!
City of Lincoln Team List – 3 May 2018
Cliff League Team List – 2 May 2018
AGM – 21 Apr 2018
The Navenby Bowls Club AGM will be held on Saturday 21st April 2018 at 10.00am in the Venue. Please let me have any items you would like adding to the agenda by 31st March. 2018. Thank You Frank Fenwick secretarynbc@gmail.com
Annual Dinner – Fri 27 Apr 2018
NAVENBY BOWLS CLUB ANNUAL DINNER – FRIDAY, 27 APRIL 2018 AT THE KINGS HEAD, NAVENBY 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm M E N U Chicken Chasseur Beef Bourguignon Grilled Fillets of Sea Bass Vegetarian Nut Roast All served with fresh vegetables and new potatoes...
World Championships 2018 – Potters
If anyone fancies watching the Live matches from the world championships at Potters over the next 2 weeks, they can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldBowlsTour/videos All of the matches that have been played so far are also on the YouTube...
End of Season Green Work
Couple of pictures of the top dressing work.
Presentation Pictures
Here are some pictures that were taken at the Club presentation morning. Thanks to Sheila Clack for these.
Club Address
John Cutfoth Playing Field
Email: info@navenbybowls.co.uk
Our Site
Summer Festival
Contact Us
2019 Season
The new season will start in spring, if you would like to come and play please get in touch.